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National Programme of Training

20th October 2011 | Diocesan Secretaries

National Programme of Training

A national programme of training for Board of Management members has been agreed by all patron bodies, the INTO and the National Parents Council (Primary). A steering committee was established by the Department of Education and Science to assist with the design of the training modules.

Five modules have been prepared and trainers were selected by the various patron bodies. The 5 topics available to Board of Management members through the diocesan secretariats are as follows:

1. The Board as Corporate Entity – Function, Roles and The Board in Action

The aims for this session are to:

  • explain the concept of the Board as a corporate body
  • examine ideas for building relationships between Board and all those who make up the school community
  • explore ideas in relation to good practice for the Board – conducting meetings, establishing systems of communication etc.

 Downloads: Trainer’s Materials  Downloads: Reference Materials  Downloads: Appendices
 Guidance for Trainers CPSMA Handbook 2012
 Workshop Activity
 Suggested Timetable  CPSMA Handbook 2007    Organisations and Acronyms
Trainer’s Manual Index – CPSMA Handbook 2007  Building Relationships
 PowerPoint Slides Errata – CPSMA Handbook 2007  Responsibilities of Safety Rep
 Attendance Register    Overview of School Plan
 Handouts    List of Education Centres
 Evaluation Form  Download All 16 Documents as ZIP File  

2. Procedures governing the appointment of

  • Principals
  • Permanent teachers/Fixed term teachers
  • Substitute teachers
  • Special Needs Assistants
  • Ancillary staff – caretaker, secretary, etc.
  • Posts of Responsibility

 Downloads: Trainer’s Materials  Downloads: Reference Materials  Downloads: Appendices
 Guidance for Trainers  Circular 0062/2008  Circulars re Appointments
 Suggested Timetable  Standard Application Form (Principalship)  Selection Criteria
  Trainer’s Manual  Revised Appointment Notification Form  Productive Questioning
 PowerPoint Slides  Vetting Procedures  Maynooth Statute
 Attendance Register  Extracts from Cases
 Handouts    Quiz – 25 Questions
  Evaluation Form  Download All 19 Documents as ZIP File  Answers to Quiz


3. Board Finances & the Role of Treasurer

Key areas in this session include:

  • The collective responsibility of the Board for all financial matters
  • The role and responsibilities of the Treasurer
  • Establishing good accounting practices – maintaining accurate records, having all expenditure by or on behalf of the Board approved by the Board

 Downloads: Trainer’s Materials  Downloads: Reference Materials  Downloads: Appendices
 Guidance for Trainers  Circular 0016/2005  Organisations and Acronyms
 Suggested Timetable  Form P.30  Calendar of Grants 07/08
 Trainer’s Manual  Form P.60  Capital Expenditure & Works
 PowerPoint Slides  Form P.35  PRSAs
 Attendance Register  Form P.45 Workshop – Quiz
 Handouts    Answers to Quiz
 Evaluation Form  Download All 19 Documents as ZIP File  Spreadsheet for Accounts

4. Legal Issues: policies and procedures arising from legislation, guidelines and circulars

Areas covered in this session include:

  • The general responsibilities of the Board arising from legislation, guidelines and circular letters
  • Procedures to follow when issues of concern arise
  • Issues arising from the Education Act, the Education Welfare Act, Data Protection legislation, Health and Safety legislation, Equality Acts
  • Section 29 Appeals

 Downloads: Trainer’s Materials  Downloads: Reference Materials  Downloads: Appendices
 Guidance for Trainers  Education Welfare Act  Organisations and Acronyms
 Suggested Timetable  Developing a Code of Behaviour  Circular 0062/2008
 Trainer’s Manual  CPSMA Handbook 2007  Safety Representative
  PowerPoint Slides Index – CPSMA Handbook 2007  Draft Enrolment Procedures
 Attendance Register  Errata – CPSMA Handbook 2007  Section 29 Appeals Form
 Handouts    Section 29 Appeals Procedure
 Evaluation Form  Download All 19 Documents as ZIP File  Overview of School Plan

5. Child Protection

Areas covered in this session include:

  • The responsibility of the Board as outlined in the Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures (DES)
  • The role of the Designated Liaison Person
  • The responsibility of the Board as an employer in the event of an allegation being made about a staff member
  • Procedures to be followed when concerns arise


 Downloads: Trainer’s Materials  Downloads: Reference Materials  Downloads: Appendices
 Guidance for Trainers  Child Protection Guidelines (DES)  Organisations and Acronyms
 Suggested Timetable  Children First (DoHC)  Circular 0094/2006
 Trainer’s Manual  Prompts & Sample Policies (SDPS)  Circular 0061/2006
 PowerPoint Slides  List of Education Centres  Circular 0046/2007
 Attendance Register    CAPP Training
Evaluation Form  Download All 16 Documents as ZIP File  

Legislation and Guidelines

 Downloads: Legislation  Downloads: Guidelines  Downloads: Circulars
 Education Act (1998)  Constitution & Rules (2007)  Circular 0082/2007
 Education (Misc Provisions) Act (2007)  BoM Information Manual (2007)  Circular 0009/2006
 Education Welfare Act (2000)  Code of Behaviour (NEWB 2008)  Circular 0002/2004
 EPSEN Act (2004)  Maintenance Matters  Circular 0007/2003
 Employment Equality Act (1998)  Rules for National Schools 1  Circular 0003/2003
 Equal Status Act (2000)  Rules for National Schools 2   Appointments (2002)
 Health & Safety Act (2005)  Rules for National Schools 3  
 Data Protection (Guide)  Rules for National Schools 4  
   Download All 22 Documents as ZIP File  


Fees and Expenses

 Downloads: Forms  Downloads: Rates  Downloads: Reference
 Expenses Claim Form  DES Rates (Fees & Expenses)  List of Education Centres
   Revised Expenses Rates (from 05/03/09)  

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Leagan Gaeilge