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Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA) provides advice and support for Chairpersons and Principals of Boards of Management in over 2,800 schools. It collaborates with other management bodies and negotiates on behalf of these schools with the Department of Education and Skills and other education partners.

All boards of management of Catholic primary schools are eligible to become members of the CPSMA on payment of an annual subscription. The amount of the subscription is determined by the size of the school. Associate membership of CPSMA is also available to boards of management of all other primary schools in the Republic of Ireland.

CPSMA is organised on a Diocesan basis. There is an elected Diocesan Council that meets a number of times a year and organises various meetings for boards of management in each Diocese. Boards should inquire from the Diocesan Education Secretary about the local organisation.

Each Diocese sends delegates to an annual Provincial Council meeting and to the Annual General Meeting (Central Council) which is held annually. The CPSMA board of directors oversee the running of the organisation.

Find out about our Board of Directors here

CPSMA offer a wide range of services to our member schools.

Find out about our membership benefits here


CPSMA is a registered charity. Our charitable purpose is the advancement of education.

The main object for which the Association is established is the advancement and support of education in Catholic Primary Schools in the Republic of Ireland in accordance with Catholic Ethos by the provision of advice, guidance, information, support and other services to Ordinary Members, Patrons and Trustees with the objective of assisting them in the fulfilment of their responsibilities to the pupils, parents, teachers and staff of Catholic Primary Schools and to the Department, for the purposes of the Education Act 1998, the Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure, the Rules of National Schools, circulars issued by the Department from time to time and other applicable law and regulations, in all circumstances consistent with Catholic Ethos.

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Leagan Gaeilge