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Data Protection Toolkit

29th April 2021 | News, What's New

There are a variety of resources of available to assist schools. Should you have any specific queries in relation to Data Protection, please contact our office on 01-6292462 for advice.


Websites for information:

Data Protection Commission (DPC)

Data Protection Schools 



CPSMA Data Protection Webinar and Podcast:

Data Protection Webinar 

Data Protection Case Studies Podcast


Resources and links to assist schools:


DPC Webpage – Guidance on the use of CCTV

DPC Guidance Note – CCTV Guidance for Data Controllers

DPC Webpage – Data Protection Impact Assessment Guidance

Sample DPIA template

CCTV considerations


Data Access Requests

DPC Webpage – Data Subject Access Requests FAQs

DPC document – FAQ Guide to Data Subject Access Requests_Oct19


Data Breach

Quick Guide to GDPR Breach Notifications – DPC

DPC document – GDPR Breach Notification Quick Guide


Data Processing Agreement

DPC Webpage – A Practical Guide to Controller – Processor Contracts

DPC document – Practical Guide to Controller-Processor Contracts


Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

DPC Webpage – Data Protection Impact Assessment Guidance

Sample DPIA template


Data Protection Policy

CPSMA template data protection policy


Photos at school events

DPC Guidance – Taking photos at school events  


Principles of Data Protection

DPC Webpage – Guidance on the Principles of Data Protection

DPC document – Guidance on the Principles of Data Protection_Oct19


Privacy Statement / Notices

Template privacy statement / notice for employees (CPSMA)

Template privacy statement / notice for students (GDPR4Schools)


Record Retention Schedule

This record retention schedule is a template for use in schools. As a template, it is a blunt instrument to guide schools in considering their data retention practices. In some instances (e.g. pupil disciplinary records), schools will be required to tease out their specific requirements at a local level. CPSMA advisors are available to assist with this process by contacting 01-6292462.

Records Retention Schedule


Roles and Definitions

Key Roles and Definitions in Data Protection

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Leagan Gaeilge