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School Meals Scheme Updated Guidance

30th March 2020 | News, What's New

School Meals Scheme Updated Guidance

Please find below, the most recent correspondence to schools from the Social Inclusion Unit of the Department of Education and Skills in relation to the School Meals Scheme. All other previous Guidance is below.

Dear Principal,

The Department has been made aware that issues arose last week in An Post in some areas where there were difficulties with bulk deliveries. The Department is currently working to try to organise a pre-booking system for deliveries via An Post.

An Post can facilitate the delivery free of charge to schools of up to 45,000 school meal packages across 114 DSUs nationwide. As previously advised, due to local demand it may not be possible for An Post to meet all of the demand in some areas. In some areas where demand is high food suppliers have been informed that An Post will not deal directly with them in relation to bulk deliveries, however we can confirm that in these areas there will be some availability (within defined limits) of An Post services provided by An Post directly to schools.

We are working to put in place a pre-booking system to ensure that the available slots with An Post can be maximised across the schools in a given area. Slots are spread across 5 days of the week, so this may mean schools in a given area opting for different days. Once the booking system has been put in place this means that where demand exceeds An Post capacity, schools will be aware in advance so that they can make alternative arrangements. Please note schools have already been notified of options available. Some schools have availed of support available via TUSLA Education Support (School Completion Programme and HSCLs) and contact details have been supplied for the Community Champion via the local authority community and voluntary network who can provide assistance where alternative delivery arrangements are required.

We will be in contact when the details of the arrangements for booking system have been finalised.

Social Inclusion Unit

Department of Education and Skills

DES school meals updated guidance final pdf

CPSMA Guidance Note School Meals

School Meals Scheme FAQs

Community Champions

School Meals Scheme An Post Distribution Depots

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