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Special School Resource Applications 2014/15 School Year

28th March 2014 | News

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has confirmed Friday 2nd May as the latest date for Special Schools to submit applications for  teaching and SNA resources for
the 2014/1015 school year. The closing date for receipt of applications for teaching and SNA resources in mainstream schools was Wednesday 26th March. Click on the link
below to access NCSE website for the guidelines for special school
applications and application forms.


  • Schools to submit leavers form to SENO if not already done so. April 9th 2014 is the latest date for submitting leavers form. A copy of the leavers forms may be obtained from the NCSE website
  • April 26th  – Deadline for applications for Transport to be made to DES
  • 2nd May 2014: Schools to notify SENO of new entrants for the 2014/15 school year
  • June – NCSE to issue teaching and SNA allocations to schools for 2014/2015
  • September – schools to confirm to SENOs that all pupils enrolled are attending the school

Key Dates / points for Mainstream Schools

  • Schools to submit leavers form to SENO if not already done so. A copy may be obtained from the NCSE website
  • 26th March 2014: Schools to submit applications for teaching and SNA supports to SENO
  • May – NCSE issue of decisions to schools in relation to additional resource teaching hours
  • June – NCSE issue of decisions to schools in relation to SNA supports for 2014/2015
  • September – schools to confirm to SENOs that pupils in respect of whom supports were allocated are attending school

NCSE website

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