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Septic Tank Charges for Schools

20th September 2012 | News

Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Environment confirm that schools are not required to pay Septic Tank Charges.

Following  to requests for clarification from CPSMA, both the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have today confirmed that schools in general  are not required to pay the “septic tank charge” under the Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012.

Where wastewater discharge exceeds 5 cubic metres in any 24 hours period a licence may be required under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts, 1977-90, Section 4. This would apply to larger schools potentially.

How does the school measure discharge?

The most accurate way of measuring wastewater discharge accurately is to engage the services of an engineer. Alternatively it may be estimated from the amount of water consumed by the school on a daily basis.

If in doubt the Board of Management should contact the relevant local authority.

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