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Revised Sick Leave Schemes for Teachers and Special Needs

2nd October 2015 | News

Please note that the revised  Sick Scheme circulars for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants  have been posted on the Departments Website today.

Your attention is drawn in particular to the following Paragraphs which have been amended:  


Paragraph 4:  Transitional Arrangements for the awarding of Sick Pay in Exceptional Circumstances

Paragraph 16: Maternity Related Illness Provisions

Paragraph 18 at  18.6 – Statutory Annual Leave /Public Holiday Entitlement 

You can access the Circulars by clicking on the links below:

Circular 0053/2015 – Sick Leave Scheme for Registered Teachers in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

Circular 0054/2015 – Sick Leave Scheme for Special Needs Assistants in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

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