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Newsletter: September 2013 Edition

2nd September 2013 | News

Newsletter: September 2013 Edition

The September 2013 edition of the CPSMA Newsletter has been posted to
schools. Click on the link below to access the September 2013 Edition of the

Topics covered in the September newsletter include

  • Welcome Back
  • Seminars on ‘Family Law Issues -What Schools Need To Know’
  • School Year 2013/2014 & Holydays of Obligation
  • Board of Management Meetings
  • Extra Personal Vacation Days (EPV Days)
  • CPSMA Summer Course for Principals
  • CPSMA Website Upgrade
  • Letters of Offer and Contracts Of Employment
  • Schools Required To “Hold Open” A Vacancy
  • Register, Roll Book & Daily Attendance Book- Circular 0028/2013
  • Supervision
  • Criminal Justice (Withholding of Information on Offences Against Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act, 2012
  • Data Protection for Schools
  • Recently Issued Circulars
  • CPSMA Membership

Kindly note that all previous issues of our newsletters can be obtained in our Newsletter Archive section. 

Click here to access the CPSMA newsletter archive.

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Leagan Gaeilge