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NCSE Resource Hours Allocation

26th May 2014 | News

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) announced on 26th May schools allocation of Resource hours for the 2014/15 School year. The announcement brings a significant increase in the number of resource teaching posts being allocated to primary and post-primary schools for the beginning of the next school year.

In addition to this 5,900 posts, the NCSE also has a further 323 posts available to respond to emerging needs as the school year progresses. The NCSE will allocate more resource teacher posts in October to facilitate children diagnosed with a special educational need who enrol during the summer or where their needs emerged after the closing date for this round.

Since the 2012/2013 school year, the number of resource teachers available to the NCSE for allocation has risen by almost 1,000, from 5,265 to 6,225 posts, to meet an increase in the number of students diagnosed with special educational needs. This represents an increase of 18% over the period.

School allocations are accessible on the NCSE website. Click here to access the NCSE allocation for Resource Hours.

NCSE Press Release

NCSE Resource Teaching Support for Mainstram Primary Schools

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