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Invitation to 50 Chairpersons to CPSMA Events, Saturday 13th April 2013

1st March 2013 | News

CPSMA is holding its AGM in April at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin Airport. This year, we extend an invitation to 12 Chairpersons of member schools from each Province, on a first come first served basis, to attend the Saturday morning events,  followed by lunch. A timetable for Saturday’s events is included below:

Please register your intention to attend by emailing: [email protected]     Register here
Confirmation of your place will be issued to you.
CPSMA AGM Timetable for Saturday 13th April 2013

08.30- 09.00 Registration and Coffee
09.00 – 10.00 Parallel Workshops

1.Practical aspects of health and safety in schools
2.Implications of family law for schools;(Reports, information, meetings, access etc)

10.00-11.00 Parallel Workshops: as above
11.00-11.30  Coffee Break 
11.30-12.30 Guest Speaker: Baroness Nuala O’Loan- “Having Faith in our Schools”
12.30-13.00 Guest Speaker:  Rev. Michael Drumm- “Issues arising from the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Irish Primary Sector.”
13.00-13.30 Open Forum
13.30 Lunch-Potters Restaurant

Please register your intention to attend by emailing [email protected]    Register here


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