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Half of Primary Schools in Deficit, says CPSMA Survey

27th November 2012 | News

Please click on  the Press Release Category on the left to read the CPSMA Press Release and to see the survey results.

A new survey of Irish schools reveals almost half of primary schools are in arrears. 46% of schools surveyed have experienced a deficit for their last financial year. 22% of schools are barely breaking even.  The survey, undertaken by Amárach Research, under the auspices of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA) was carried out among 540 primary schools over a period between October and November. 

The survey also found that there were reductions in income. Over half of the schools in disadvantaged areas find themselves in particular difficulty with deteriorating buildings and unable to fund maintenance and repair works.

86% of schools rely on ad-hoc fundraising while four in ten (43%) ask parents to make an annual voluntary contribution.
General Secretary of the CPSMA, Eileen Flynn said, “Schools at primary level were always the poor relation in terms of funding even in times of plenty and now cannot even make ends meet. Any further cuts to their budgets will be devastating. In addition any increase to the Pupil Teacher Ratio affects all pupils and those most in need disproportionately”.

The majority of schools (93%) received a minor works grant last year to carry out essential repairs.  For schools who received the minor works grant, 43% said it ranged between â’¬5,001 and â’¬8,000. 86% of schools supported local contractors for this work and two-thirds of projects were completed within four weeks.
“Minor works grants are essential with 72% of schools indicating that the work completed was essential to the maintenance of buildings and grounds.  55% of school buildings are in excess of  60 years old and hence in greater  need of repair”, said Flynn.

Half of schools would be unable to fund maintenance work if the minor works grant were discontinued. 40% said it would lead to the deterioration of buildings. Schools said they would have to seek voluntary contributions from parents.


CPSMA Survey Results

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