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Garda Vetting

23rd April 2015 | News

Advance Preparation for the Forthcoming Statutory Garda Vetting Requirements

The Department has published (23 April 2015) Circular 0026/2015 – Advance preparations for the commencement of statutory requirements for Garda vetting under the National Vetting Bureau(Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 (the Vetting Act) which outlines preparations being put in place in advance of the forthcoming statutory Garda vetting requirements.

The circular provides advice for registered teachers and for school school authoritites on:

a.     the steps to be taken before 31 July 2015 by registered teachers who intend to seek new employment in a new school immediately after the commencement of the Vetting Act and,

b.     the advance preparations and actions to be taken by all school authorities before 31 July 2015 so as to facilitate, as far as possible, a smooth transition to the forthcoming statutory vetting requirements.   

The supporting summary note sets out the 5 key points for registered teachers to note and the 5 key points for school authorities to note in relation to the above advance preparations. Please also read the associated FAQs for more detailed information.

When the timeframe for commencement of the Vetting Act is confirmed in due course by the Minister for Justice and Equality, that timeframe will be notified by this Department to the school system and published on this Department’s website.  In the meantime, this Department has, for advance planning purposes, identified 31 July 2015 as the date by which the advance actions set out in this circular should be completed by registered teachers.

Regular updates on the Department’s website will provide further information as the finalised details, including the timeframe for commencement, become available in relation to the commencement of the statutory vetting requirements of the Vetting Act.  The next update will be published on Friday 22 May 2015.

Existing Non-Statutory Garda vetting arrangements

It should be noted that the existing Non-Statutory Garda vetting arrangements under Department circular 0063/2010 will continue to apply until the National Vetting Bureau Act is commenced. Circular 63/2010 will be replaced by a new circular when the Vetting Act is commenced

– See more at:


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