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Garda Vetting Update

29th July 2015 | What's New

Timeline for the commencement of the statutory requirements for Garda Vetting under the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act, 2012 (the “Vetting Act”)

The Department has published an update on its website in relation to the above.  This includes clarifying the following:

  • Until the Vetting Act is commenced, the existing vetting requirements of Circular 0063/2010 continue to apply.    
  • While the precise timeline for commencement of the Vetting Act is not yet known, the Department is confirming to school authorities and registered teachers that Circular 0063/2010 will continue to apply at least up to 15 October 2015
  • While the timeline for the commencement of the Vetting Act will be later than previously anticipated, steps taken in accordance with Circular 0026/2015 will remain valid for the purposes of an Autumn commencement date.
  • School authorities and teachers are advised to refer to the regular updates on the Department of Education and Skills website for the latest position in relation to the forthcoming statutory vetting requirements, including the timeline for commencement of the Vetting Act

A further update is available at the following link:

Garda Vetting – Department of Education and Skills

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Leagan Gaeilge