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Droichead Interim Measures 2019/2020 (Covid 19)

25th May 2020 | News, What's New

Due to the COVID 19 outbreak and the unprecedented situation of school closures, the Teaching Council has reviewed its position in relation to newly qualified teachers (NQTs) engaging in Droichead in 2019/2020 in collaboration with their Profession Support Team (PST) members. Additional flexibility is being introduced to support NQTs and PSTs in completing the process.

These arrangements balance the core principles of the policy which is the school based supportive process outlined in Strand A coupled with engagement in the additional professional learning activities including Cluster Meetings as set out in Strand B, see below:

  • Strand A (school based) relates to the in-school support including observations and professional discussions.
  • Strand B (Professional Learning Activities) relates to Cluster Meeting(s) and professional learning activities.
  • The minimum time requirement for Strand A is 60 days (Primary) and 200 hours (Post-primary) from the date listed on the confirmation email issued to the NQT at the start of the process


The Teaching Council has contacted all NQTs who are still on the Droichead to inform them of these interim measures and provide them with the information contained in the attached document – Droichead Covid 19 Guidelines for NQTs 2019.2020The NIPT on behalf of the Teaching Council has provided all schools involved in Droichead 2019/2020 with the attached interim measure guidelines for the PST – Droichead Covid 19 Guidelines for PSTs 2019.2020 These documents were developed in consultation with the Department of Education and Skills and the Inspectorate.

Additional information is also available on the Council’s website here and also in the news section.

It is important to note that where teachers are unable to finish the Droichead process due to Covid 19 and they will be eligible to apply for and be granted an extension to their period of registration.



  1. In order to deal with queries efficiently the Teaching Council and NIPT have agreed the following:
    • NQTs are advised to contact [email protected] if their queries are not addressed in their attached document.
    • NIPT has set up a dedicated email account ([email protected]) which PST members are welcome to use in case their query is not addressed in the attached documents.


2.  It is the Council’s intention to develop FAQs in consultation with NIPT to address the most common queries                 received and it will be published on the websites in due course The FAQs will augment the information provided            in the attached documentation.

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Leagan Gaeilge