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CPSMA welcome additional release time for teaching principals as a move toward one day per week

13th June 2018 | News, What's New

CPSMA welcome additional release time for teaching principals as a move toward one day per week

CPSMA has warmly welcomed the Department of Education and Skills’ announcement of extra release days for teaching principals and the provision of 50 principal release cluster posts, for 2018/19 school year, which now allows for schools to formally cluster their principal release days to ensure continuity of substitute cover. This is particularly welcome in areas where principals were unable to access their release days due to a lack of substitute teachers.

The General Secretary of CPSMA Seamus Mulconry welcomed the moves as “ As important steps to providing teaching principals with the resources they need to fulfil one of the most challenging roles in Irish Education that of the teaching principal.”

“I am particularly delighted that the Minister has provided increased principal cluster posts. This is a very cost effective way or providing real assistance to principals and secure employment for substitute teachers.”

“ These measures on their own will not address all of the challenges facing teaching principals but they are very welcome and I hope a serious beginning to putting the role of teaching principal on a sustainable footing”

Mr. Mulconry also paid tribute to the work of the then President of the INTO John Boyle in advocating for the extension of the scheme.

Note for Editors  

Teaching principals perform a dual role in their schools – as both a full-time teacher and principal. These release days are required to allow teaching principals to undertake key leadership and management roles within their schools. CPSMA believe that the Department should continue to increase the number of release days to ensure that teaching principals have a minimum of one release day per week to assist in the management of their workload.

On a broader view, CPSMA believes that the Department needs to look at the issue of initiative overload in schools and the roll that this has played in significantly increasing the administrative work-load on even the smallest of schools. CPSMA look forward to constructively engaging with the Department on this issue and recognise that it is of common concern.

ENDS for more information contact Seamus Mulconry at 087-6172814

Press release June 2018 CPSMA welcome additional release time for principals

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