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CPSMA Response to Budget 2014

15th October 2013 | News

CPSMA Response to Budget 2014

CPSMA welcomes the
maintenance of the pupil teacher ratio at 28:1, following extensive
representations made by the organisation to the Department of Education
and Skills on the issue. However, the phased increase in pupil
thresholds in Budget 2012 continues to impact negatively on the 1, 2, 3,
and 4 teacher schools (schools with less than 86 pupils) and CPSMA
regrets that this continues to compromise the viability of smaller

Whilst the announcement of capital investment is
welcomed, it should be noted that it represents investment in a small
proportion of school buildings. In line with our pre-budget submission,
CPSMA once again calls on the Department of Education & Skills to
restore the Minor Works grant to enable schools to address essential
maintenance costs.

CPSMA is disappointed at the continued
reduction in the capitation grant, as this exacerbates the very
difficult financial situations facing many schools.

welcomes the investment in the establishment of book rental schemes, it
calls on the Minister to review the provision of additional funding to
schools that have already established schemes, without the benefit of a
set-up grant. CPSMA hopes that the Department of Education and Skills
will continue to build on this important initiative and minimise the
financial burden on families.

CPSMA calls for the roll-out of high-speed broadband to be extended to all primary schools.

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Leagan Gaeilge