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Circulars 0001/2014, 0002/2014 & 003/2014 – Learning Support & Special Education Continuing Professional Development

8th January 2014 | News

The Department of Education and Skills has issued circulars 0001/2014, 0002/2014 & 003/2014 relating to Learning Support and Special Education Continuing Professional Development courses which are currently funded by the Department. Circulars 0001/2014, 0002/2014 & 003/2014 relate to the following courses

  • The Combined Post Graduate Diploma Programme of Continuing Professional Development for Teachers involved in Learning Support & Special Education (Circular 0001/2014) shall be available in seven Universities/Colleges of Education.
  • The Post Graduate Certificate/Diploma Programme of Continuing Professional Development for Teachers working with Students with Special Educational Needs (Autistic Spectrum Disorders) (Circular 0002/2014) shall be provided by St. Angela’s College, Sligo in collaboration with the Special Education Support Service.
  • The Graduate Certificate in the Education of Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) (Circular 0003/2014) shall be provided by St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.

Completed applications forms should be received in the College or University of choice by 5 p.m. on the 28th February 2014.

Click on the links below to download circulars 0001/2014, 0002/2014 & 0003/2014.

0001/2014: Combined Post-Graduate Diploma Programme of Continuing Professional Development for Teachers involved in Learning

0001/2014: Comhchlár Dioplóma Iarchéime um Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil Leantach do Mhúinteoirí atá ag obair i dTacaíocht Foghlama agus Oideachas Speisialta – 2014/2015

0002/2014: Post-Graduate Certificate/Diploma Programme of Continuing Professional Development for Teachers working with Students with Special Educational Needs (Autistic Spectrum Disorders)

0002/2014: Clár Teastais/Dioplóma Iarchéime um Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil Leantach do
Mhúinteoirí ag obair le Scoláirí le Riachtanais Speisialta Oideachais
(Neamhoird Speictrim Uathaigh)

0003/2014: Graduate Certificate in the Education of Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) for teachers working with Students with ASDs in Special Schools, Special Classes or as Resource Teachers in mainstream Primary and Post-Primary Schools – 2014/2015

0003/2014: Teastas Iarchéime in Oideachas Scoláirí le Neamhoird Speictrim Uathaigh
orthu (NSUanna) le haghaidh múinteoirí ag obair le Scoláirí le NSUanna
orthu i Scoileanna Speisialta, i Ranganna Speisialta nó mar Mhúinteoirí
Acmhainne i mBunscoileanna agus in Iar-Bhunscoileanna sa phríomhshruth –

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