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Catholic Primary Schools Management Association pays tribute to Minister Ruairi Quinn

3rd July 2014 | News

Catholic Primary Schools Management Association pays tribute to Minister Ruairi Quinn

Father Tom Deenihan, General Secretary of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association, expressed his good wishes to Minister Ruairi Quinn on his announcement today that he will resign as Minister for Education and Skills in the forthcoming Cabinet reshuffle, and that he will retire from politics at the next general election. 
Father Deenihan said, “Since his appointment in 2011, the CPSMA has enjoyed a professional working relationship with Minister Quinn and with his department officials.  The Minister’s availability, commitment and interest in primary education, and specifically in primary management, was evident from the outset.  Notwithstanding Minister Quinn’s tenure of office coinciding with a particularly difficult period of economic austerity, his support for students in Catholic primary schools was shown in a number of initiatives including the introduction of a book rental grant to schools, and the restoration of the small works grant.  At this time, on behalf of the CPSMA, I wish to pay tribute to the Minister’s energy and determination.”
Father Deenihan continued, “All in Catholic primary school management join with me in wishing Minister Quinn, and his family, every good wish for the future.  We look forward to working with the Minister’s successor in supporting Catholic schools in providing a service to the entire community.”

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