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Budget 2020 – CPSMA Press Release

9th October 2019 | News, What's New

Paschal still picking the pockets of prudent schools

“If Irish Primary Schools had the annual overspend from Health we would have the best primary school system in the world.”


Seamus Mulconry, General Secretary of CPSMA (Catholic Primary School Management Association), welcomed the increased investment by Minister McHugh in the primary sector in particular the 2.5% increase in capitation, extra release day for teaching principals and increased investment in special needs education.

“Minister McHugh clearly and correctly identified the areas in need of increased investment in primary education. However, his colleague the Minister for Finance has once more failed to deliver the required level of investment needed to address growing strains in the primary education system.”

“Government underinvestment is pushing teaching principals to breaking point, picking the pockets of parents to the tune of €46m a year, and most importantly breaching the constitutional rights of Irish children to a free primary education” he said.

“Minister Donohoe has once more penalised prudent primary schools by providing the absolute minimum he could in increased capitation while rewarding the profligate in Health who had overspent by €300m with huge increases. If Irish primary schools had the annual overspend from Health we would have the best primary school system in the world.”

“Government needs to understand primary schools do not live by circulars alone – we need resources if the primary system is deliver the high quality education our children deserve”


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