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Assistance where there is difficulty making contact with pupils residing in accommodation centres for International Protection Applicants

26th May 2020 | News, What's New

For schools who have had difficulty making contact with pupils residing in accommodation centre for international protection applicants (direct provision) centres


The Department of Education and Skills has been engaging with the Department of Justice and Equality and Tusla Education Support service to ensure that school pupils residing in accommodation centres are supported during this period of school closures. Where schools have an education related query in relation to assisting in making contact with a specific pupil residing in an accommodation centre the following email address can be used:    [email protected]


In the subject bar please type ‘Education’.  

In the body of the text please indicate that you have an education related query regarding a child of school going age who is residing in a named accommodation centre for international protection applicants. There is no need to include details of the parent or child at that point. The only details required are the location of the centre and your name and phone number as the person raising the query so that you can be contacted to follow up on your query.

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