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CPSMA School Pathway for Covid-19 Webinar Segments

28th September 2020 | News, What's New

CPSMA School Pathway for Covid-19 Webinar Segments




Segment 1 – Operation of Schools Pathway for Covid-19 from public health perspective (Main Presentation)


Segment 2 – HSE recognition of school efforts to ensure safe reopening for the current school year 


Segment 3 Arrangements for communication from the HSE to the school in the event of a positive case of Covid-19 detected among pupils or staff

Segment 4Arrangements for communication from the HSE to the school community in the event of a positive case of Covid-19 detected among pupils or staff 

Segment 5 – Principals are having difficulty with the requirement that they cannot disclose information to relevant class teachers, other staff or parents about a confirmed case in particular settings. What is the rationale for this?

Segment 6In some instances, a positive Covid-19 diagnosis of a member of the school community has become public knowledge locally before the HSE has been in contact directly with the school. What advice would you offer a school that finds itself in that position?

Segment 7 – Individual parents have indicated that, in the event of a positive case in the school, they do not want their child’s details to be shared with the HSE for the purpose of contract tracing. Have they the right to expect that the school will comply with their wishes?


Segment 8 – A child displays one or more symptoms of Covid-19 in school. Parents call to collect the child and are advised to contact their GP for further advice. If the child returns to school the following day, is there a requirement that parents furnish a letter from their GP or sign a declaration to state that their child does not have Covid-19?

Segment 9 – A child has been brought home from school with a symptom and the parent has contacted their GP for advice. The GP has not had an opportunity to advise the parent that day. The following morning, the child appears to be symptom free. Can, or should the child attend school? 

Segment 10A family has been advised medically to restrict their movements but their children present at school during that period. What should the school do?

Segment 11 – Are there circumstances in which a child is being sent for a test but their siblings can attend school as normal?

Segment 12 – Where a pupil is recommended for a test and their siblings attend other schools, do they also have to restrict their movements also?

Segment 13 – Is there a need for close contacts of a confirmed case of Covid-19 to restrict their movements for 14 days, even if they have a negative test and are symptom free? Will they require a second test before returning to work/school? 

Segment 14 – General reminders on basic infection controls to have in place in schools


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